Getting Your HVAC System Ready for Thunderstorms and Hurricane Weather
Although most people put significant effort into making certain their home is ready for impending thunderstorms and hurricane season, it’s not uncommon to overlook the HVAC system. Fortunately, your HVAC can easily withstand both if you take the proper precautionary steps. If you don’t, you may find yourself having to replace the entire system. Let’s look at tips aimed at making certain your HVAC system is ready for thunderstorm and hurricane weather.
Important Steps
- Make certain your system and its components are safely secured to a base using a protective cage, hurricane straps, or metal tie-downs. These items can usually be purchased at local hardware stores. Don’t overlook patio furniture, toys, dog houses, and plants as well.
- Place a plastic sheet or tarp over the entire unit to keep excess water from pooling in the unit. This can cause mold growth within the unit.
- To prevent high winds from knocking things into the system, ensure that the area around the system is clear of any items or debris that could potentially cause major impact damage. In addition, you should always make sure tree limbs that could break free are cutback.
If you anticipate a power outage, turn your HVAC system completely off at the thermostat and the circuit breaker. If your system is on when the power goes out, there’s an increased possibility that circuits will be blown or the compressor may burn out. It’s also important to turn the system off when there’s a risk of potential flooding that could cause electrical shock or act as a fire hazard. In the event that you also use window units, unplug them.
When you’re organizing an emergency hurricane kit, it is important to remember your temperature needs. With your unit off, your home may become very stuffy and uncomfortable. It may be a good idea to invest in a battery operated fan you can use during the storm.
After the storm
After the storm has passed, it will be tempting to immediately turn your system on. However, you should not do this until you have thoroughly inspected your HVAC system. Look for any potential debris that may have been caught in it as well as possible damage to the structure. If you’re uncertain, you should have an HVAC technician check your system to avoid the possibility of it overheating or malfunctioning.
Following these few simple tips can be the difference between an undamaged HVAC system and one that is in need of minor or major repairs. With just a couple minutes worth of work, you have the potential to save the money and time associated with repairs.